Big Sigh of Relief!

I think it was last year when I first read that my bank was being sucked up by another one. Oh my, I thought, will the website still be accessible? My old bank had done things to make the site less accessible, like introducing Google ReCAPTCHA, and a few more ratty things like that. Time… Continue reading Big Sigh of Relief!

Scoreboards Cleared

What, you may ask, am I talking about? While going through tweets this morning I saw that Liam, the developer of Super Egg Hunt and other lovely games, has finally succeeded in clearing all of the Super Egg scoreboards. This allowed me to open up Super Egg and post all my scores that I’d been… Continue reading Scoreboards Cleared

A New Game

Hi, it’s me again. Well, who did you think it would be, ha ha. The day before yesterday I received a strange message in i-messages from a very good friend of mine. It simply told me to launch Game Center to enable the making of friends. I ignored it, not knowing what it was all… Continue reading A New Game

More iPhone Game Talk

Well, in the post that started this discussion, I neglected to say anything about Fruitpot. That game is free but there are things you can purchase, but absolutely, that is not necessary to get the full enjoyment out of the game. Naturally, it isn’t as action-packed as Feer, but if you like slot machine-type games,… Continue reading More iPhone Game Talk

iPhone Game Talk

It won’t be much talk because I only have two games on my iPhone, Fruitpot and Feer. Well, I play Dice World too, but my focus for this blog entry is the two games I mentioned. I got Fruitpot first, then wife Eva heard of Feer from somewhere. She bought it for herself and she… Continue reading iPhone Game Talk

Second Gospel song

This one was made when my voice was corrupted by the super bug described earlier in this blog. The microphone is the good one also described earlier. What I lack in voice I make up for in emotion I reckon. The song is called I’ll Wish I Had Given Him More. I heard this one… Continue reading Second Gospel song


I suppose I should update the Audacity situation, so here goes. The FFMpeg libraries no longer work with the newer versions of Audacity, so, after struggling with this for awhile, I finally deleted Audacity altogether. That was a cool program, but until the libraries are updated to work with the current state of things in… Continue reading Audacity

A Small Update on the German Front

In a further communication to me, my librarian told me that the audio is farther along than is the Braille, which was contracted out to another company. I never would have thought that audio production was faster than Braille.
