A Project for Wife Eva

Recently, an Internet radio station Eva listens to, Windy Radio, a German station, announced that it would be possible to win a seal, possibly a stuffed one, if one could figure out a way to convince them to give said seal to him/her. So, Eva decided to write a text and enter it into their… Continue reading A Project for Wife Eva


I’ve seen that some folks like fireworks. I haven’t been to many fireworks shows but I have a few recordings from when I lived in the states. These are from Monroe, Louisiana, a street on the east side, rather in the suburbs. I’ll just post the first one here. I don’t know if time will… Continue reading Fireworks

At Long Last

Well, this is a short post. Last night I saw that the Braille material was finally available on BARD for the two German courses, so I’ve downloaded it at long last. It does remain to be seen if I can learn anything significant from this method.

Update Failure, Orbit Reader 20

The last firmware update I had on my Orbit Reader 20 Braille display was b0.00.00.69r18. Having seen version b0.00.00.69r22 on Orbit Research’s site, I decided to update. After the update I immediately noticed the display, when powered on, showed, not the file I had open last, but one I’d never opened, a file called Welcome… Continue reading Update Failure, Orbit Reader 20

Ah, Progress

Yesterday, I finally downloaded both Behind the Wheel German 1 and 2. The audio books are now available on BARD, but not the supplementary Braille material. I’m, of course, keeping a vigilant eye out for these to become available.

Still in Process

I’ve really tried to be patient. Before Christmas I was told by my librarian that the German courses would be up in a few weeks. Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and wrote her again. This morning I got an answer from her saying they’re still in process. Now I’m wondering what can take so… Continue reading Still in Process
