Just Some Loose Ends

In the previous post I said something about reinstalling the boot loader but that didn’t work. I found out today why. I closely compared the version I have with the one on the support site, and the one on the support site is an earlier version, so evidently the boot loader won’t roll back to… Continue reading Just Some Loose Ends

Really Good News!

Not hearing something from Flusoft, I suppose they didn’t hear anything from whomever they wrote, anyway, with not much hope I took the display out of the packaging and started fiddling with it. I was at a standstill till my wife Eva came up with an idea. She conjectured that there may not be any… Continue reading Really Good News!

A Bit about Me

"Just the facts, ma’am." Okay, even though I ain’t a ma’am. I was born in 1955 in the city of Shreveport, Louisiana. I lived in and around that area for a good part of my life, but later moved eastward to the Monroe/West Monroe area. If someone had told me I’d first live in Wales,… Continue reading A Bit about Me

Some Progress

My wife finally got an email from Flusoft, and they have contacted APH, or maybe Orbit Research. (Those two partnered to make the Orbit Reader.) Flusoft will know nothing until they hear back from whomever they’ve contacted. So now, it’s just sit and wait for whatever they’ll find out. Flusoft will eventually carry the Orbit… Continue reading Some Progress

No Movement

Well, it’s Wednesday and there has been no reply from Flusoft concerning what I might could try to revive my dead Orbit Reader 20. Other than that, life is going on. We had a nice little outing near here, since thunderstorms were to come, and they did, sort of. So here I am, pestering this… Continue reading No Movement
