One Drive and Audacity

Hi! Wow! It has been awhile! The other day I finally succeeded in logging into the One Drive site and clearing everything out. When I first set up this computer I plunked a lot of stuff in what I thought was My Documents. It turned out to be One Drive My Documents so the darned… Continue reading One Drive and Audacity

My German Journey

Well, today, I finished that old book of thirty-eight German lessons. That book was written before the ß came into use, so all words that have that are misspelled today, such as Strasse. Note, that’s the way they spell it. I think this is still acceptable, but it is old-fashioned, like some of their other… Continue reading My German Journey

a Wandring Mind

This will most likely be a rambling post, and a reason why I don’t categorize anything. My first thought is that I wish I understood more about making music using MIDI. The closest I ever came to that was when I owned the Yamaha PSR-3000. Even then some of the tracks were dry and I… Continue reading a Wandring Mind

What I’m up to Lately

After a long and frustratingly fruitless search on BARD, that’s my library site, I finally emailed my librarian to see if there is a Braille German course available. She sent me the book number of the only one they have now. It’s a really old course, the Braille version copyright 1950. I am learning a… Continue reading What I’m up to Lately

The Fourth Song

How ’bout some comic relief, huh? This one is an old country song called I Wouldn’t Take Her to a Dogfight.

The Third Song

I want to change genres again and give a sample of my easy listening folder, plus at the same time, a sample of the better microphone I had in my possession later, when I’d basically lost my voice. Though I can still sing, I don’t have the endurance or the range, or the power I… Continue reading The Third Song

The Second Song

This one is me singing my version of a Jack Green song called There Goes My Everything. This song probably put the green in Jack’s name, grins. Folks might notice the steel guitar playing with only one note bending. This is definitely possible on the PSR-3000.
