What I’m up to Lately

After a long and frustratingly fruitless search on BARD, that’s my library site, I finally emailed my librarian to see if there is a Braille German course available. She sent me the book number of the only one they have now. It’s a really old course, the Braille version copyright 1950. I am learning a… Continue reading What I’m up to Lately

The Fourth Song

How ’bout some comic relief, huh? This one is an old country song called I Wouldn’t Take Her to a Dogfight.

The Third Song

I want to change genres again and give a sample of my easy listening folder, plus at the same time, a sample of the better microphone I had in my possession later, when I’d basically lost my voice. Though I can still sing, I don’t have the endurance or the range, or the power I… Continue reading The Third Song

The Second Song

This one is me singing my version of a Jack Green song called There Goes My Everything. This song probably put the green in Jack’s name, grins. Folks might notice the steel guitar playing with only one note bending. This is definitely possible on the PSR-3000.

The First Song

This one is an instrumental, my arrangement of the theme song of a TV show called Simon & Simon. I believe they were brothers. Anyway, it’s a detective show. My dad would have love to hear this arrangement! He absolutely loved this theme. He died before I got this keyboard, the Yamaha PSR-3000. This is… Continue reading The First Song

Unexpected Jewels

Recently, I made a new friend here on Elten. This friend wanted a couple of demos from my Yamaha P-115 digital piano. Before I left the states the second time, well, back in 2012, I bought an expensive, professional Olympus LS-100 recorder. All I seemed to be able to do was mess up the LI50B… Continue reading Unexpected Jewels

Some Reflections

Here I am again. The latest thing I’ve been thinking about is maybe putting some of my music up on this blog. I am sort of proud of it, though it is flawed by the equipment, mainly the microphone I had for most of the recordings. By the time I got a good microphone I’d… Continue reading Some Reflections

On to Other Things

All I have to say about Orbit Research is something sort of unrelated. I joined an email group about it. The email group isn’t sponsored by them but there are support people from them hanging out there, and, who knows, I might get something out of it. My favorite audio game has to be Super… Continue reading On to Other Things

More Loose Ends

Well, it has been awhile. I’ve been batting the bootloader question back and forth with Orbit Research tech support and I finally got an answer that makes dubious sense. After being told lies about their website having the up to date version of the bootloader software, which I disproved more than once, after being told… Continue reading More Loose Ends
