When Facebook got rid of their basic and mobile sites, I really thought I could hang in there. The main site was a bit clunky but it was doable. But, as time went on I found that every time I tried to comment on someone’s post, or when I tried to make my own, I’d get these search suggestions that would pop up and obliterate what I was trying to type in. I could not, for the life of me, get back to the comment or post I was trying to compose.
The other complaint I was trying to live with was that above everyone’s posts there were these many, many links that had either a letter, a number or some other unprintable character arranged in a vertical orientation. I had to scroll way down to see the actual post.
I hate to lose touch with old school friends and some long-lost family members, but these two things were driving me absolutely crazy.
I refused to get the app on my iPhone. I don’t like typing on that thing unless I absolutely have to do so. Dictation is hit and miss.
I had a pretty good run on Facebook my second time around. I had my first account when my third wife made it for me, but when we separated, actually before then, I gleefully deleted it, destroying all her hard work with a joyful smile on my face.
This second account was a harder decision and I do regret losing people I’d found or who had found me.
I won’t be there to find out if they do fix it.
I hope they will get back accessibility on Facebook.