It seems most folks in the blind community, or in this community at least, are rejoicing the demise of Skype, but I’m definitely not in that camp. A distant cousin of mine told me about Skype, and I thought, nah, why Skype? For quite awhile I didn’t do anything about her recommendation but at some… Continue reading My Eulogy to Skype
Coming up on Number 10
Hi, loyal blog followers, if I still have any. This coming Monday, March 3, 2025, is our 10th wedding anniversary. There’s not much to say, but it has been very nice, quite stable. She has been more stable than I, but I will say that the mistake I made wasn’t sexual or romantic. She still… Continue reading Coming up on Number 10
My Heartbreaking Experience Trying to Get an Auto Harp
I used to have an auto harp that was traded back and forth between my younger brother and me. One of those times I modified it so that the lowest G string would be open in the C and C seventh chords. It made those chords sound much fuller, even though only one note was… Continue reading My Heartbreaking Experience Trying to Get an Auto Harp
Goodbye to Facebook
When Facebook got rid of their basic and mobile sites, I really thought I could hang in there. The main site was a bit clunky but it was doable. But, as time went on I found that every time I tried to comment on someone’s post, or when I tried to make my own, I’d… Continue reading Goodbye to Facebook
Subscribing to In Process and Other Stuff on NVAccess
I had been seeing emails from a friend who was receiving In Process by email. In other words, this friend was forwarding his to me. After scratching my head a few times for luck, I decided, today, to go poke around on the NVAccess website and see if I could get myself subscribed as well.… Continue reading Subscribing to In Process and Other Stuff on NVAccess
Blinded Guide
Here’s another free game from L-Works. I’ve done better but here’s the recording I just made.
Sharing My Early Christmas Present
I’m still rather a child at heart. I love battery and electric trains, though I have no room for such here. I love things that spin. I love gyroscopes, not only for the spin but feeling the gyroscopic force at work while it is spinning. I have a couple of the fidget spinners. This year,… Continue reading Sharing My Early Christmas Present
Another German Book, Possibly
First off, Behind the Wheel, both 1 and 2 in Braille, are finally being proofread by a German speaker. Book 2 of the audio edition is corrupted and my library isn’t going to do anything about it. The overseas librarian, or someone working closely with her, is trying to get another book imported into BARD.… Continue reading Another German Book, Possibly
The only things I enjoyed the only time we went to Oktoberfest were the yummy food and the Lebkuchen hearts we bought for one another. Yesterday was the beginning of this beer festival. I thought, just for the heck of it, I’d record the cannon going off as it can be clearly heard from where… Continue reading Oktoberfest
It’s a Crazy World, No, It’s a Crazy Party
Last night, after trying and trying with a game called Simple Fighter, I decided to delete it and go grab Crazy Party. I used to have it till Defender killed the server.exe file. Anyway, it now resides in an exclusions folder I finally learned how to create for the Windows 11 version of Defender. I’ve… Continue reading It’s a Crazy World, No, It’s a Crazy Party