a Wandring Mind

This will most likely be a rambling post, and a reason why I don’t categorize anything.

My first thought is that I wish I understood more about making music using MIDI. The closest I ever came to that was when I owned the Yamaha PSR-3000. Even then some of the tracks were dry and I had no way to put reverb on them. Maybe I’ll put up an example of this, yeah, think I will.

My second thought is still in the MIDI area. I use a combination of Coolsoft MIDI Synth and Quick Windows Sequencer to play MIDI files and I’ve noticed that at least one file I have has vibrato on the piano, very inappropriate. When I play that same file using the Elten File Manager, it doesn’t have that annoying vibrato. Thanks to the Elten thing, I have access to two sound fonts and both, when I play that file using Coolsoft I get the vibrato. When using Elten, either sound font works without that annoyance.

Some reflections on learning German now. I tried this morning to formulate my own sentence and fell so short of the mark. I spent about ten minutes, hoping I’d get close to using the right stuff, but alas. Even children here do better than I did. I’m not ready to give up, not by any means, but it makes me wonder if an old codger can learn this complicated language.

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