Subscribing to In Process and Other Stuff on NVAccess

I had been seeing emails from a friend who was receiving In Process by email. In other words, this friend was forwarding his to me. After scratching my head a few times for luck, I decided, today, to go poke around on the NVAccess website and see if I could get myself subscribed as well.

I read the most recent issue of that blog, and, sure enough, at the bottom, was a link to get subscribed. But there’s a catch. After checking what I wanted and leaving unchecked the things I didn’t, I hit the subscribe button. I was then given a message that I must prove I’m human. There was a checkbox, and it didn’t matter how many times I tried to get it checked, it stayed stubbornly unchecked. Furious, I closed the website and then thought I might be able to contact them about this, but there was no option to do that, not for this problem, so, resigned, I went back and tried subscribing again. This time it took a few attempts but the checkbox finally changed. Then, something strange happened. It said the CAPTCHA failed, try again. On the second attempt, the darn thing worked.

Now, here’s my point. On a blindness website, couldn’t this process be streamlined a bit more? Does a CAPTCHA have to be involved at all? Could they not think of a much easier way for someone to prove his/her humanity?

If only I could show this blog entry to the programmers of NVDA…


  1. You might have to find an instance of In Process to do it. That’s what I had to do. Here’s hoping you don’t have the problem with re CAPTCHA that I did.

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