I did correctly remember how to access the built-in phrases in the Extended BASIC cart, however, I don’t believe I remember them all, so here’s a sample of three of them. The last word you’ll hear isn’t a built-in phrase, it’s the word uh-oh, U, H, O, H for clarity. You enter it uhoh, without the dash.
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Sounds okay for its time.
I see…
Yes, they put a lot of work into the built-in phrases and it shows. In the Extended Basic cart, one can make it speak smoothly, but it’s very hard and time consuming. One must put every other word into a string variable and use the call spget command to put the phonemes necessary for the words between into other string variables. What I used to do was to put every other word in constants, or in quotes. Still, the speech isn’t as natural as the built-in phrases are.
Sounds way more natural.